MicroMasters® Program in Sustainable Agribusiness by Doane University (edX)

Institution: Doane University via edX
Accreditation: QS Ranked University
Intensity: Self Paced
Duration: 1 Year 2 Months
Free/Paid: Paid
Total Fees (USD): USD $1,494

The Sustainable Agriculture MicroMasters program will prepare you to play a role in ensuring a sustainable agricultural system, whether you are a manager, grower, food processor, distributor, retailer, consumer, or waste manager. To understand sustainability, an interdisciplinary approach is essential.

From the individual farm to the local ecosystem, and to local and global communities affected by crop and livestock production practices, you will gain an understanding of the importance of sustainable agriculture in its broadest sense. By focusing on the system, we can gain a better understanding of the environmental and social impacts of crop and livestock practices. With a systems approach, you can explore the interconnections between agriculture and other aspects of our environment.

To achieve sustainable agriculture, farmers, labourers, policymakers, researchers, retailers, consumers, and managers must work together. As a MicroMasters graduate, you will be equipped with the fundamental knowledge necessary to contribute effectively to the sustainable agriculture community.

Learning coverage:

  • Agricultural Growth and Productivity Analysis
  • Sustainable Agrifood Supply Chain Management
  • Global Agri-food, Livestock, and Crop Systems Solution
  • Agricultural Economic Modeling Tools
  • Environmental and Natural Resources Economics
  • Food Futures and Market

Advance Standing

After successfully completing the MicroMasters program in Sustainable Agribusiness, students may enrol in Doane University’s online Master of Business Administration (MBA) program. The MicroMasters certificate will count for 9 credits toward the MBA degree out of a total of 30.

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