Big Data for Agri-Food: Principles and Tools (edX)

Institution: Wageningen University & Research via edX
Accreditation: QS Ranked University
Intensity: Instructor Paced
Duration: 6 weeks
Hours per week: 6 to 10 hours/week
Free/Paid: Free, Paid

Ranking #1 in Animal Sciences and Agriculture, Wageningen University & Research specializes in interdisciplinarity between its knowledge domains of healthy food and living environment on the one hand and data science, artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics on the other.

With machine learning and deep learning methodologies combined with data from latest sensing technologies (for example, weather data), we can unlock insights we never had before. As a result, we are able to:

  • Integrate data on animal behaviour, health, and feed with milk production and composition from milking machines to better manage dairy cattle.
  • Use a drone or robot to monitor individual plants and reduce fertilizer (nitrogen), pesticide (chemicals), and water usage.
  • Combining current and historical soil, weather and crop yield data to predict crop yields more accurately.

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