Bachelor of Science in Horticultural Science (Organic Horticultural Systems)

Institution: University of Florida
Accreditation: QS Ranked University
Specialization: Horticulture
Delivery Mode: On-campus
Intensity: Full Time
Duration: 4 years
Total Fees (USD): USD $114,632
Intake: Aug 2022, Aug 2023, Jan 2023, Jan 2024, May 2023, May 2024

The Horticultural Science program prepares graduates with a solid foundation in the science behind producing fruit and vegetables, including commodity production, cropping systems, basic plant science, and molecular biology, as well as soil and water science. A specialization in Organic Horticultural Systems focuses on ecologically and economically sustainable horticultural crop production systems.

Students interested in pursuing education or career goals have many electives available. With this specialization, students are prepared for careers in conventional, sustainable, and organic agriculture.

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