Bachelor of Science in Animal Health (Food Animals)

Institution: University of Alberta
Accreditation: QS Ranked University
Specialization: Animal Science
Delivery Mode: On-campus
Intensity: Full Time
Duration: 4 years
Total Fees (CAD): CAD $118,000
Intake: Sep 2022, Sep 2023

By earning a BSc in Animal Health at the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences, students can complete their pre-veterinary medicine requirements. Among the topics studied are companion animal biology and behavior, human-animal bonds, and food safety and quality. In addition to completing real-world projects and case studies, students have access to an extensive network of animal research facilities where they can develop hands-on skills. A graduate of this program could become an Agrologist, an Animal Behavior Consultant, an Animal Nutritionist, or an Animal Welfare Officer, among other careers.

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