Dairy Production and Management (Coursera)

Institution: PennState University via Coursera
Accreditation: QS Ranked University
Intensity: Self Paced
Duration: 76 hours
Free/Paid: Free, Paid
Learn all aspects of dairy management such as genetics, nutrition, reproduction, animal health, farm economics, and sustainability of dairy production systems. No matter your level of experience in the dairy industry or just looking for the basics, you’ll find something here for you.
The course lasts eight weeks. There are four to nine video lectures per week, along with additional reading materials and a multiple-choice quiz. The estimated study time per week is between three and five hours.
The course is free to enrol in. For USD $49, learners can purchase a Course Certificate. Financial aid is available through Coursera for those who cannot afford the certificate fee.
Photo credit: David Kriz